Many people are said to me ‘ahh I’m so jealous that you are going to travel’ or ‘look he is living the dream’ and various different things, when they learn that I gave up good job to chase dream of make living as scuba diving instructor. How many of those people are really know what is it, to travel, to live out of suitcase, moving regularly, watching visa status, watching money as you don’t know when next wage is coming ?.
I think that we are becoming click & swipe race instead of human race. Human race would or should look beneath the surface and shallowness of being but this new click & swipe race is all about the surface. People are like, ahh you are going to live in sunshine and be on the beach. Yeah but this is fed only by the finest Instagram photos or blogs. The real life is way different, in the cheap and simple accommodations, what are now fancy named minimalism. In the old days it was poor or workers quarters but now it become fashion.
Click & Swipe race is interested in immediate happiness or as they call it glorification. Look I’m in Peru, look I’m on Bangkok, look I’m whenever and you are not there. This is the aim of some of the travelers aka backpackers but there are some really great explorers who are living for the sheer fun of traveling and exploring. Thank God for them, as they move border of ordinary, border of understanding, acceptance, responsibilities and genuinely inspire the rest of us to be more curious.
We as the Click & Swipe race moved from reading long articles, magazines, books becoming now too lazy and need only photos to make the whole story behind. Each story different as each person see the phots differently but no one is interested to read a long articles or blogs. Short, to the point is the recommended format. However how do you describe your experience… Sunset is awesome but what about the feel, temperature, humidity, vibe, cat stretching nearby, people around, etc etc. Photo sometime is better that thousand words but vice-versa thousand words are sometimes better that photo or the best for me would be both at the same time.
Well I can honestly say that I’m happy at where I am now and feeling great. I’m doing what I like and every day is really another day in paradise.